Quote – Representative Bob Doran (R-TX).

Even though the bill mandates unpaid leave, it is still costly for businesses….the costs of offering 12 weeks of maternity and infant-care leave and providing health insurance during the absence could run as much as $7.9 billion per year--costs which would be paid by consumers in the form of higher prices, a damaged economy, and a loss of jobs…Furthermore, America faces its stiffest economic competition in history. If our Nation's employers are to succeed in an increasingly complex and competitive global marketplace, they must have the flexibility to meet this challenge. It is vital that we do not mandate Federal policies which stifle the creation of new jobs or result in the elimination of existing jobs.

Representative Bob Doran (R-TX). Floor speech. http://thomas.loc.gov/cgibin/query/F?r102:224:./temp/~r1020d3Pfg:e222696:

Wednesday, November 13, 1991