Quote – Senator Bob Dole (R-KS) during consideration of the conference report on the FMLA before the Senate.

We can fix it for you. We fix everything in Washington. We raise your taxes, we raise the deficit, we have more regulations, so we can give you more mandates and tell your employer what to do in Topeka, KS, or wherever it may be in America…. Well, Mr. President, this is one of those cases where Washington does not know best….The real world impact of this well-intentioned legislation--this mandate--is that employers will revisit those projections and budgets and cut back on something else, including creating new jobs at the very time that we need new jobs.

Senator Bob Dole (R-KS) during the consideration of the conference report on the FMLA before the Senate. http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/F?r102:7:./temp/~r102cMzQj9:e0:.

Tuesday, August 11, 1992