It's not my responsibility/fault

It's not my responsibility/fault

Cry Wolf Quotes

People always complain about back problems. I've thinned and hoed and I'm a great big man. I've thinned lettuce along with workers when I was a younger fellow and I was starting out in the farming business, and it hurts and it hurts badly for about three days. Then after that you're in shape.

Salinas Valley grower Robert Grainger, testimony at California’s Industrial Safety Board (ISB) hearing.
05/03/1973 | Full Details | Law(s): Short-Handled Hoe Ban

In contrast to popularized reports, there is no persuasive evidence that low-level lead exposure is responsible for any intelligence defects.

Dr. Jerome F. Cole, director of environmental health for the Lead Industries Association. The New York Times.

With respect to cigarettes, cautionary labeling cannot be anticipated to serve the public interest with any particular degree of success. The health hazards of excessive smoking have been well-publicized for more than ten years and are common knowledge…

Letter from Dr. F.J.L. Blasingame, AMA Executive Vice President, to the FTC’s division of trade regulation rules.

Mr. Forbes, a former director of the Bureau of Mines has gone on record as saying that accidents are problems of human failure and that if the Bureau and industry are going to correct these accidents that they have to be attacked through the medium of correction within the human mind, and the human body, and the man has to be made to act safely.

W. Foster Mullins, Chief Mine Inspector for Virginia, Testimony, House Committee on Education and Labor.