Government takeover Quotes

[Government intervention would mean dealing with] a pestilential lot of spies, meddlers, and informers. The Federal Government was not created for the purpose of cutting your toe nails or corns. I believe there are millions of old women, white and black, who know more about good victuals and good eating than my friend Doctor Wiley and all his apothecary shop.

Representative William Adamson (D-GA)

If the Federal Government should regulate Inter-state traffic in drugs on the basis of their therapeutic value, why not regulate traffic in theology, by excluding from transportation, all theological books which Dr. Wiley and his assistants, upon the examination, should find to be misleading in any particular?

The Proprietary Association 23rd annual report.

It may be impracticable that our distinctively American experiment of individual freedom should go on.

Senator David Hill (D-NY), The New Republic.
324401/01/1894 | Full Details | Law(s): Tax: Income
