Government takeover Quotes

The federal education takeover is another example of the Democrats' willingness to use whatever tactics are necessary to advance their agenda to concentrate power in Washington—while they still can.

From the Wall Street Journal's anti-SAFRA op-ed “That Other Government Takeover”.

Gone will be the days when students and their colleges picked the lender that best fit their needs; instead, a federal bureaucrat will make that choice for every student in America based on still-unclear guidelines.

Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) published this anti-SAFRA op-ed in The Washington Post.

[I] vow[ed] to fight against socialized medicine….On healthcare, I agree with the President that we need to get costs under control…I can also say without hesitation, that the quality of healthcare in this county is second to none -- and sacrificing quality to achieve these necessary reforms is not acceptable. A single payer, government run healthcare system is the worst possible way to achieve this goal.

Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA)
285802/26/2010 | Full Details | Law(s): Affordable Care Act

It's disappointing and discouraging. The tone and tenor was often venomous, trying to pit the haves against the have-nots…[the business community now must figure out] how to participate in a system that's largely disconnected from us.

Pat McCormick, spokesman for Oregonians Against Job-Killing Taxes, The Oregonian.

Congress, the administration and the states must recognize that our weak economy simply cannot sustain all the new taxes, regulations and mandates now under consideration. It is a surefire recipe for a double-dip recession or worse.

Thomas Donohue, President of the Chamber of Commerce

Currently, students have the option to choose between private and public lenders, and I am a firm believer that such choice and competition among lenders is the best proven method for reducing costs and improving services. By omitting private lenders, we would create a monopoly within the federal government regarding student loans.

From a statement issued by moderate representative Paul Kanjorski (D-PA) after the House approved SAFRA.

Any review of the history of the affordable mortgage movement in America demonstrates the power that CRA had in helping to shred mortgage underwriting standards throughout the industry and exposing us to the kind of market meltdown we've experienced. “If form follows, soon banks and other financial institutions operating under CRA will be cudgeled into lending to small businesses based on race and gender, which will be the opening of a new round of lower lending standards in the very risky small-business sector. The effort to save and extend CRA in the face of its role in the mortgage market's massive meltdown is testament to the unique power of this legislation to nourish an entire industry of nonprofits that, like Acorn, have been reliable supporters of politicians such as Barney Frank, Maxine Waters and a former community organizer and associate of Acorn by the name of Barack Obama.

Steven Malanga, Investor’s Business Daily,
339909/16/2009 | Full Details | Law(s): Community Reinvestment Act

This bill is a massive expansion of the Federal Government, pure and simple.

Alexa Marrero, spokesperson for Representative John Kline (R-MN), the chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee. Time magazine.

The furor over President Obama's trillion-dollar restructuring of American health care has left his other trillion-dollar plan starved for attention. That's how much the federal balance sheet will expand over the next decade if Mr. Obama can convince Congress to approve his pending takeover of the student-loan market.

From the Wall Street Journal's anti-SAFRA op-ed "The Quietest Trillion".

We also endure a Mine Safety and Health Administration that seeks power over coal miners versus improving their safety and their health. As someone who has overseen the mining of more coal than anyone else in the history of central Appalachia, I know that the safety and health of coal miners is my most important job. I don’t need Washington politicians to tell me that, and neither do you. But I also know — I also know Washington and state politicians have no idea how to improve miner safety. The very idea that they care more about coal miner safety than we do is as silly as global warming.

Massey CEO Don Blankenship’s speech at his anti-union Labor Day rally.
313009/07/2009 | Full Details | Law(s): General: Mine Safety
