National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)

National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)

Cry Wolf Quotes

[Obama’s signing of the Ledbetter act is] a decision that could prove harmful to small business….Without limits, small businesses would be forced into the position of trying to defend an employment decision that occurred in the distant past…Because discrimination cases tend to rely on circumstantial evidence ('he said, she said' testimony), it would serve both parties best to review what occurred immediately after the event, not years later.

The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), Slate’s Biz Box.

We don’t want a lot of innocent small-business people who are trying to do the right thing to be hauled into court.

David Rahr, chief House lobbyist for the National Federation of Independent Business. The New York Times.

It's opening the door to a lot more claims. That means more burdens on employers in terms of in-house costs, keeping more records and outside legal fees. It's going to be costly for businesses.

Beth Milito, senior executive counsel for the Small Business Legal Center at the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), Inc.Com.

The proposed ADA represents both a significant expansion of existing civil rights protections…and an equally significant expansion of Federal regulatory authority over private enterprises.

Sally Douglas, Assistant Director of Governmental Relations for Research Policy for the National Federation of Independent Business. The Congressional Digest. December, 1989.