


Vote for Paid Sick Leave

The Real Agenda Behind Voter Suppression

October 05, 2011
Living Wage has brought good competition to Los Angeles International Airport

L.A.'s Living Wage Ordinance Isn't a Job Killer

September 21, 2011
US Capitol building

Darrel Issa’s Government Handover

January 05, 2011

Cry Wolf Quotes

Do you know what? This is now your package. We will come back here next year and try to help you when this puts the economy in the gutter. And virtually every major economic estimating firm in this country says your bill is going to kill jobs. That is why we are passionate about it.

Rep. John Kasich (R-OH), Congressional Record.

This bill, by vesting the power to withhold or terminate Federal funds, creates a concentration of power of economic coercion unequaled in the history of governments—a power concentration which defies the experience of mankind with the temptation of power to corrupt.

Strom Thurmond (D-SC)
06/18/1964 | Full Details | Law(s): Civil Rights Act of 1964

These [ergonomics] regulations would cost employers, large and small, billions of dollars annually while providing uncertain benefits.

White House budget office, under the Bush administration. Wall Street Journal.

The Federal Government should keep estate taxes as a reserve in times of national stress. All prior inheritance taxes have been war taxes; and it is only now that it is proposed to destroy this reserve in times when revenues from other sources are adequate and even in excess of the Nation's needs. Such a course of action is not only thoroughly unsound but borders on economic suicide.

Andrew W. Mellon.
04/01/1924 | Full Details | Law(s): Tax: Estate
