Civil Rights Act of 1964

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Cry Wolf Quotes

Mr. President, passage of this bill will visit the heel of oppression on all the people, vitiate their constitutional shield against tyranny, and materially hasten the destruction of the best design for self-government yet devised by the minds of men. Its passage will mark one of the darkest days in history

Strom Thurmond (D-SC)
06/18/1964 | Full Details | Law(s): Civil Rights Act of 1964

This is an unprecedented threat to American traditions, and is aimed at forcing civil rights compliance in the South by authorizing the cutting off of funds in all financial assistance programs. Procedures in the title are devoid of due process of law. It states too broad a policy without defining ‘discrimination.’ Moreover, it authorizes an alternative court enforcement to bureaucrats who pronounce regulations approved by the President, whereas these matters should be promulgated, if at all, by act of Congress.

John Sparkman (D-AL)
06/18/1964 | Full Details | Law(s): Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Community Relations Service would be another pro-civil rights Federal agency attempting to make people do what the policy of the Federal Government demanded that they do. Moreover, in title II of the bill, this Service is made an agent of the court without due thought as to the effect on legal and judicial procedures.

John Sparkman (D-AL)
06/18/1964 | Full Details | Law(s): Civil Rights Act of 1964

This bill would renounce the safe, proper, and acceptable role for Government as a referee of disputes between the governed. It would interpose the Government as a biased protagonist, armed with the awesome authority of the Federal Government, in addition to rulemaking and umpire powers. The broad grants of power to the Attorney General to initiate and intervene in civil actions would go far toward transforming him into George Orwell’s ‘Big Brother’ of ‘1984,’ in the year 1964.

Strom Thurmond (D-SC)
06/18/1964 | Full Details | Law(s): Civil Rights Act of 1964