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Cry Wolf Quotes

Over the past ten months, the RGGI Cap & Trade scheme has been exposed as nothing less than a devious and deceptive tax. This is a program that has been stained by secrecy and open to exploitation by speculators looking to profiteer on the backs of ratepayers all while driving up electricity rates and contributing to the continued exodus of jobs and industry from our state.

Americans for Prosperity New Jersey state director, Steve Lonegan.

That's just an excuse to create a money-making cap-and-trade scheme that'll drive up electric rates.

Narrator from one of Americans for Prosperity’s anti-RGGI ads.

It is foolhardy for lawmakers to push for regulations that would transfer dollars from families and businesses to bureaucratic big-government. We want to make sure citizens know what global warming alarmism will cost them – higher taxes, lost jobs, and less freedom.

Americans for Prosperity President Tim Phillips.

'Cap & Trade' stands to cost New Jersey thousands of jobs, millions in lost wealth and vastly higher gas and electric bills. This alone is reason enough to kill RGGI.

Americans for Prosperity.