That's just an excuse to create a money-making cap-and-trade scheme that'll drive up electric rates.
Over the past ten months, the RGGI Cap & Trade scheme has been exposed as nothing less than a devious and deceptive tax. This is a program that has been stained by secrecy and open to exploitation by speculators looking to profiteer on the backs of ratepayers all while driving up electricity rates and contributing to the continued exodus of jobs and industry from our state.
[RGGI money] was taken by regulators from consumers in the form of higher electricity bills and then redistributed to environmental special interests friendly to the politicians in power.
Forcing business, industry, and food producers to reduce carbon emissions through government mandates and cap-and-trade policies under consideration for the regional climate initiative will increase the cost of doing business, push companies to do business with other states or nations, and increase consumer costs for electricity, fuel, and food;
No state or nation has enhanced economic opportunities [from cap-and-trade and] Europe's cap-and-trade system has been undermined by political favoritism and accounting tricks.
This is the biggest conspiracy between the public sector, big banks and government that Americans have ever seen and you the ratepayers are going to pay the price…. This is not about a clean environment. This is not about green energy. This is about raising taxes on your energy and passing that energy rate tax onto you the ratepayer.
We are striving to expose the fact that the cap-and-trade scheme is happening right now, that it is a threat to our economic future.
Government regulation always has unintended consequences….Since it's such a big money-making proposition, I definitely mistrust the government to handle this.
'Cap & Trade' stands to cost New Jersey thousands of jobs, millions in lost wealth and vastly higher gas and electric bills. This alone is reason enough to kill RGGI.
Main Street non-financial businesses would be hit with taxation, regulation, and possible nationalization by the Federal Reserve.