Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

Cry Wolf Quotes

We have wandered too far off the path envisioned by our Founding Fathers of a government with few and defined powers. Government was supposed to be about doing only a few things; today government is about doing nearly everything. It has intruded in our business and personal lives in ways unimaginable to the wise men who gathered in Philadelphia in the sweltering summer of 1787. And to increasingly little positive benefit.

Chamber of Commerce’s “This Way To Jobs Campaign.” 2010

Congress, the administration and the states must recognize that our weak economy simply cannot sustain all the new taxes, regulations and mandates now under consideration. It is a surefire recipe for a double-dip recession or worse.

Thomas Donohue, President of the Chamber of Commerce

This one-size-fits-all approach would distract directors from managing a company, lessen shareholders voice in proposals and director elections, and continue to disenfranchise retail shareholders.

R. Bruce Josten, Executive Vice president for Government Affairs with the Chamber of Commerce

Main Street non-financial businesses would be hit with taxation, regulation, and possible nationalization by the Federal Reserve.

Group letter signed by conservative groups including Americans for Tax Reform and Tea Party Express