Conservative media

Conservative media

Cry Wolf Quotes

Most economists believe that they [rich people] would spend the money and stimulate the economy.

Gretchen Carlson, co-host of Fox & Friends.

A 5 cent bottle deposit program typically spends $500 for every ton of cans and bottles collected, which makes curbside recycling look like a bargain. States without mandatory deposits...have proven that the most efficient way to reduce litter is to hire cleanup crews.

John Tierney. The New York Times Magazine.
06/30/1996 | Full Details | Law(s): General: Recycling

It's an expansion. And it's a stealth mechanism to put the tentacles of socialized medicine even deeper into society.

Rush Limbaugh during a speech given for WPHT-AM Philadelphia.

…imposing this mandated wage is a dagger in the heart of job creation….If its approved, Detroit can kiss any hope of renaissance goodbye.

Editorial, Detroit News.
10/31/1998 | Full Details | Law(s): Living Wage