Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

Cry Wolf Quotes

[Companies covered by RGGI] will be placed at a competitive disadvantage vis-à-vis their non-RGGI competitors (domestic as well as international).

Lawrence Kogan, director of the Princeton, N.J.-based Institute for Trade, Standards and Sustainable Development (ITSSD)

If we take this route, we would eventually have the tools to cut carbon emissions, instead of misguided near-term initiatives like RGGI where an attempt to meet even the modest targets will only disrupt energy markets at great cost to consumers and the economy as whole. Programs to curb other GHGs can proceed such as measures to reduce methane releases from coal mines, but it is absurd to impose any meaningful limits on carbon emissions when so much of our energy comes from coal.

From “Carbon Cap Follies” an editorial by William T. Smith, “Consultant in the field of natural resources”.

[The RGGI states] are going to be shooting themselves in the foot economically and driving even more of their manufacturing base overseas.

Douglas L. Biden, president of the Harrisburg-based Electric Power Generation Association.

'Cap & Trade' stands to cost New Jersey thousands of jobs, millions in lost wealth and vastly higher gas and electric bills. This alone is reason enough to kill RGGI.

Americans for Prosperity.