Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993

The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, also called the Deficit Reduction Act, modestly raised taxes and succeeded in wiping out the federal budget deficit for the first time in decades.

The bill added two higher taxes brackets: individual income tax rates of 36 percent and 39.6 (previously 31 percent had been the highest bracket). The bill included a 35 percent income tax rate for corporations and 4.3 cents per gallon increase in transportation fuels taxes.

Cry Wolf Quotes

After careful analysis, I decided that I could not support this package. It goes too far in raising taxes and not far enough in cutting spending….I fear that this package, if enacted as passed by the House, will come back to haunt all of us because of its emphasis on taxes over spending cuts. We must not abandon the more fiscally responsible, new Democrat approach on which we were elected.

Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), Congressional record.

Day after day, tomorrow after tomorrow, in every purchase they make, every trip they take, in every school, in every church, in every workplace, in every home, in ways that they may not even be aware of, the Clinton energy tax will be a silent, greedy destroyer of their family budget. And they will remember who set loose this dreadful virus into the economic bloodstream of our Nation

Rep. Robert Michel (R-IL), Congressional Record.

[The voters] will remember who let loose this deadly virus into our economic bloodstream.

Rep. Robert Michel (R-IL), The Los Angeles Times.

I believe this will lead to a recession next year. This is the Democrat machine's recession, and each one of them will be held personally accountable.

Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-GA), GOP Press Conference.
