I feel that additional legislation…is only helpful to large industry and has a tendency to throttle small industry...
It is important to public health, therefore, that Government regulations should not hamstring the medical advances produced by the industry. Disease and death can result from unnecessary delay in permitting a lifesaving drug to reach the public…
An unfettered exercise of power is certainly beneficial to no one, and governmental departments are no exception to this rule.
If overcautious and restrictive Government regulation had blocked [penicillin] testing and introduction twenty years ago, some lives would have been saved while a multitude of lives would have been lost.
The bill as reported jeopardizes the traditional right of self-medication and choice of remedies….The bill could very well become a handmaiden of socialized medicine.
If this bill should become law, we will be forced to cancel immediately every line of advertising.
You are about to lose a substantial amount of advertising revenue from food, cosmetic and drug manufacturers…You need to bring all the personal pressure you can upon your Senators and Representatives. You need to enlighten and thereby arouse your public against this bill that is calculated to greatly restrict personal rights….We would be only one of the many drug, cosmetic, and food advertisers who will be forced to liquidate in this manner.
While both we and our clients are in entire sympathy with the aims and purposes of the Tugwell Bill, we are all of one mind in our fears about such a sweeping grant of autocratic power being placed in the hands of any bureau or department of government.
[The bill] will seriously affect employment and morale in the industries indicated. It will put thousands of men and women out of work. It will close dozens of manufacturing plants and hundreds of stores...It will hurt thousands...It will help none...When the ‘Tugwell’ Bill is introduced in Congress, it must be defeated.
Unlimited power entrusted to bureaucrats warps their judgment on the opinions they might have as normal citizens.