
The Cry Wolf Quote Bank chronicles the false predictions and hyperbole by opponents of these laws and protections.  While the issues and specific policies change over time, the rhetoric and themes remained the same.  You can search the Quote Bank for what opponents said to prevent these laws from passing. Using the drop down menus on the right their statements by issue, by specific law, by who said it and by the core themes they evoke.   Elsewhere on the site, you can find articles, studies, and other material that debunks their claims. 

E.g., 2024-07-08
E.g., 2024-07-08

I have always maintained that if a program is to be successful, it must... be voluntary... based on need and must not be financed through a payroll tax.

Sen. Thruston B. Morton (R-KY).
08/08/1965 | Full Details
Law(s): Medicare | Themes: Costs will rise

This program could destroy private initiative for our aged to protect themselves with insurance against the cost of illness….Presently, over 60 percent of our older citizens purchase hospital and medical insurance without Government assistance. This private effort would cease if Government benefits were given to all our older citizens.

Sen. Milward Simpson (R-WY).
08/08/1965 | Full Details
Law(s): Medicare | Themes: Leave it to the market

From a commercial standpoint in a competitive marketplace [safety devices such as the turn signal and the seat belt must be optional] until a very high proportion of the customers select the item or unless there are compelling reasons for standard installation.

GM president Frederic G. Donner, Testimony, Subcommittee on Executive Reorganization of the Senate Committee on Government Operations.
07/13/1965 | Full Details

Our industry, along with others, created an Industry Committee on Quantity Declaration which filed a report with the National Conference Committee on Laws and Regulations. The National Conference on Weights and Measures then adopted a model regulation on package labeling which industry now supports. This regulation basically protects the public by requiring a prominent quantity declaration, yet it does not discourage research, innovation and improvements, nor does it limit the consumer’s freedom of choice.

Grocery Manufacturers of America president Paul Willis.
04/28/1965 | Full Details

There is no question but that this legislation would put Federal bureaucracy in complete control of the size, the weight, the pictorial matter, and the copy on every food package. I wonder if anyone has stopped to think that the idea of seeking Government authority in advance before making a vital business decision is absolutely inconsistent with some of our most fundamental and cherished American traditions….Unless I have been misinformed all these years, I have been under the impression that we are dedicated to the proposition that within reasonable limitations the American citizen is free to do as he pleases…

Lloyd Skinner, a small businessman and owner of a macaroni company, on behalf of the National Small Business Association. Testimony, Senate Committee on Commerce hearings "Fair Packaging and Labeling". April 28, 1965.
04/28/1965 | Full Details

We oppose the Medicare program because foreign experience has shown that socialized medicine is harmful to both the doctor and the patient, primarily to the patient. He suffers most.

Harry E. Northam, director of the Association of American Physicians.
04/11/1965 | Full Details

We are going on the assumption that this is not socialized medicine. Let me tell you here and now it is socialized medicine.

Rep. James Utt (R-CA).
04/08/1965 | Full Details
Law(s): Medicare | Themes: Socialism!

...we cannot stand idly by now, as the Nation is urged to embark on an ill-conceived adventure in government medicine, the end of which no one can see, and from which the patient is certain to be the ultimate sufferer.

Rep. Durward Hall (R-MO).
04/08/1965 | Full Details
Law(s): Medicare | Themes: Government takeover

[There is] no demonstrable need for the program.

Paul D. Hill, International Association of Health Underwriters. May, 1965.
04/01/1965 | Full Details
Law(s): Medicare | Themes: Costs will rise

[The Medicare bill would] set up a health care program which served little or no necessary social purpose and which would be a direct, unwarranted and completely unfair intrusion in private enterprise.

Dr. Clifford H. Keene, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan.
04/01/1965 | Full Details
Law(s): Medicare | Themes: Leave it to the market
