Leave it to the market

Leave it to the market

Cry Wolf Quotes

[The Consumer Product Safety Act] provides no meaningful protection for trade secrets or confidential company information… this empty standard is patently dangerous to our competitive system.

Kenneth F. Stinger, Consumer Affairs Committee, Chamber of Commerce,, Chamber of Commerce Presentations to Congress.

Employers do not deliberately allow work conditions to exist which cause injury or illness. Safety is good business… The goal is to have meaningless standards eliminated and achieve a law which recognizes business efforts to provide safe work places and provides fair treatment for all.

Chamber of Commerce newsletter, June, 1973.

The danger is from those who believe that government should be the source of all economic hope for the individual. The danger is from those who believe that government planning is a better device than the free marketplace for distribution of goods and distribution of the nation’s wealth.

Speech of Richard Kautz, Chairman of NAM, Wichita Luncheon, Papers of the National Association of Manufacturers.

Income and inheritance taxes which are in effect confiscatory destroy themselves by transferring capital in private hands, essential to private enterprise, to unproductive public funds.

Chicago Daily Tribune.
01/17/1932 | Full Details | Law(s): Tax: Estate