Quote – Lawrence Kraus, executive of the Consumer Affairs Committee of Chamber of Commerce, Testimony, Legislation and Military Operations Subcommittee of the House Government Operations Committee,Chamber of Commerce Presentations to Congress.

‘Consumer interest’ is an amorphous concept, made up of many competing elements, and the CPA [Consumer Protection Agency], time and again, will be called upon to make paternalistic judgments as to what is best for 200 million American consumers.

Statement on Consumer Representation Bills before the Legislation and Military Operations Subcommittee of the House Government Operations Committee by Lawrence Kraus, executive of the Consumer Affairs Committee of Chamber of Commerce. Chamber of Commerce Presentations to Congress, Papers of Chamber of Commerce, Series II, Box 11a, Hagley Museum. (“To Establish An Office of Consumer Affairs: H.R. 14, H.R. 21, H.R. 564”)

Tuesday, October 9, 1973