Bureaucratic overreach

Bureaucratic overreach

Cry Wolf Quotes

If implemented, they would require employers to establish burdensome and costly new systems intended to track, prevent and provide compensation for an extremely broad class of injuries whose cause is subject to considerable dispute.

The Bush Administration, The Los Angeles Times, “Senate Overturns Ergonomics Rules on Worker Safety”.

Vague statutory requirements and misguided management over the years have given OSHA one of the worst track records in the history of federal agencies. As a result of OSHA operations, the costs of doing business have increased substantially among affected industries. In addition, many employers, both business and farming, have complained of harassment, lack of adequate technical advice, and total disregard for local operations or the realities of doing business….For years, I have introduced and co-sponsored bills to eliminate small businesses from coverage of OSHA….I can think of few other issues which have so consistently irritated my constituents…I shall certainly continue my efforts to eliminate the costly and counterproductive practices of OSHA which lead to uncertainty, increased disillusionment with the federal government, and which show questionable benefits in terms of increased health and safety.

Senator John Tower (R-TX) writes to A.L. Simmons, Safety Director, Whittacker Corporation.

The proposed rule prescribes stricter requirements than the approach on which it is based (API Recommended Practice 75, Development of a Safety and Environmental Management Program for Offshore Operations and Facilities, or SEMP), and may generate significant difficulties for operators and contractors to abide by the rule.

ExxonMobil Production’s public comment letter to the Mineral Management Service and the Department of the Interior. The New York Times.

Ultimately, what they are trying to create here is the Post Office of student lending — you've got no choice.

Jack Remondi, vice chairman and CFO of Sallie Mae, Time Magazine.