European Union Emissions Trading Scheme Backgrounders & Briefs
Eric De Place. Sightline Daily. November 18, 2009.
“How Carbon Markets Work in Europe” explains Europe's cap-and-trade system. De Place analyzes a wide variety of studies about the Europeon regional cap and trade system, and finds that despite Republican rhetoric and rough early going, the system has worked out remarkably well.
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Joe Romm. Climate Progress. November 12, 2009.
“Europe to easily beat Kyoto target—looks like the European Trading System has worked after all”: Romm breaks down a report from the European Environment Agency. The report shows that every European nation, save Austria, is on track to meet, or exceed, their emission reduction targets under the Kyoto Treaty—with the help of their regional cap-and trade program. They were meant to reduce emissions by 8 percent during the 2008-2012 span, but they are on track to reduce emissions by more than 13 percent.
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A. Danny Ellerman and Paul L. Joskow. Found by Scientific Blogging. May 11, 2008.
This Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) study, “European Union ‘Cap and Trade’ Program For Carbon Dioxide Working Well, Says MIT Analysis” looks at the first successfully implemented carbon cap and trade system and the first multinational effort to regulate the emissions responsible for global warming. The authors also note that the program had little, if any, negative affect on the European Union’s economy. In the words of the scholars the “Economic impact is imperceptible” and “the European economy has not been ‘wrecked’”.
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