Taxes: Income Quotes

Why should any of us strive to make that extra dollar of income when the government is going to lay claim to an increasing share of it?

Reagan Treasury Secretary Donald Regan’s Address to the Business Council, 1984.
326201/01/1984 | Full Details | Law(s): Tax: Income

'Free Business from Political Persecution' and 'The Country is Suffering from Too Much Law'.

NAM stickers from 1914.
325901/01/1914 | Full Details | Law(s): Tax: Income

No honest man can make war upon great fortunes per se. The Democratic Party never has done it; and when the Democratic Party begins to do it, it will cease to be the Democratic Party and become the socialistic party of the United States; or better expressed, the communistic party, or quasi communistic party, of the United States.

Democrat Senator John Sharp Williams (D-MI).
325708/27/1913 | Full Details | Law(s): Tax: Income

[A federal income tax would be an invitation to D.C.] to invade its territory, to oust its jurisdiction and to establish a Federal dominion [in Virginia]. A hand from Washington will be stretched out and placed upon every man’s business. The eye of the Federal inspector will be in every man’s counting house.

Speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates, Richard E. Byrd.
325601/01/1911 | Full Details | Law(s): Tax: Income

[The income tax would] divide the population into two classes, the class which contributes to the support of the Government, and the class which does not contribute.

In 1910, the Albany Evening Journal, a partisan Republican paper.
325501/01/1910 | Full Details | Law(s): Tax: Income

When a man has accumulated a sum of money within the law, that is to say, in the legally correct way, the people no longer have any right to share in the earnings resulting from the accumulation.

John Davison Rockefeller.
07/27/1909 | Full Details | Law(s): Tax: Income

[Taxing the rich] was supported by the Socialist party, the Populist party, and by the Democratic party with a few honorable exceptions, simply as a means of re-distributing the wealth.

Senator Nelson Aldrich (R-RI), 1909
325101/01/1909 | Full Details | Law(s): Tax: Income

If once you give the power to the nation to tax all the incomes…you give them the power to tax the states, not out of their existence, but out of their vitality.

Associate Justice Stephen Brewer. 1909.
325301/01/1909 | Full Details | Law(s): Tax: Income

The fury of ignorant class hatred has dashed itself in vain against the constitution…Thanks to the court, our government is not to be dragged into communistic warfare against rights of property and the rewards of industry.

The New York Tribune.
05/23/1895 | Full Details | Law(s): Tax: Income

[This is] Class legislation and attempts of the majority to spoliate private property [that] would ultimately wreck the American republic.

Complete quote can be found in the Albany Law journal.
324603/16/1895 | Full Details | Law(s): Tax: Income
