FDA Attempt to Regulate Supplements

FDA Attempt to Regulate Supplements

In 1992 the FDA attempted to regulate the “natural”, herbal supplemental market. The industry offensive included mass mailings to natural food co-ops, vitamin stores, and other over-the-counter-suppliers, warning of heavy-handed government intrusion into their operations. The industry front group Nutritional Health Alliance advised retailers to offer customers a discount for every anti-reform letter they sent to Congress. The campaign was a complete success and the supplemental industry remains unregulated to this day.

Cry Wolf Quotes

If the FDA has its way, you will have to go to a doctor for prescriptions for many supplements and then pay $80 for a supplemental which presently costs $10 at a health food store.

The Nutritional Health Alliance (NHA).

THE FDA WANTS TO PUT YOU OUT OF BUSINESS….Every health food store is under immediate threat of siege. Congress wants to give FDA police powers so they can seize products without notification and use heavy fines and court penalties to close you down. FDA wants to destroy your supplemental business by making many items prescription only. FDA wants to make it illegal for you to sell the majority of your best selling products. DON’T LET THE FDA TAKE YOUR VITAMINS AWAY

The Nutritional Health Alliance (NHA).

Repeatedly attempt[ing] to impose unnecessarily stringent standards that would leave many if not most supplement companies with no practical choice but to close their doors.

Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT).

If the regulations go into effect, the products will be taken off the market because the manufacturers won’t take the health-claim labeling off. They are the lifeblood of the industry.

Scott Bass “a supplements industry lawyer”.