


PG&E’s success in Washington led to failure in San Bruno

August 31, 2011
Claims of EPA "train wreck" derailed

Claims of EPA "Train Wreck" Derailed

August 26, 2011
Clean Fuels Standard

Northeast Clean Fuels Standard = Thousands of Jobs, Billions of Dollars

August 16, 2011

New Hampshire Governor Defends RGGI

July 07, 2011

Cry Wolf Quotes

We have consistently opposed mandatory fuel economy standards as unnecessary. Because it is clearly in our self interest to meet customer requirements on fuel economy improvements, as demonstrated by our own high mileage m.p.g. small cars recently announced.

Rodney Markley Jr., VP of Washington Staff for Ford, Chicago Tribune

Listen, these are the same people who will be standing in unemployment lines if the Clinton-Gore proposals are put into effect.

John T. Truscott, Press Secretary to Republican Governor John Engler, The New York Times.

The conflict between government standards and market demands is increased by the rollback of petroleum prices and extension of petroleum price controls at the same time. By making gasoline cheaper, congress has encouraged consumer demand for larger cars, while at the same time imposing fuel economy standards that require stronger demand for small cars.

Lee Iacocca, then a Ford executive, and Henry Ford II, Chicago Tribune.

I want to make very sure that we’re not putting U.S. jobs at risk over the next two years.

Transportation Secretary Jim Burnley, The New York Times.


Backgrounders & Briefs

The Success of CAFE Standards

How the CAFE standard and its successes.


Political Economy Research Institute is a think tank focused on a variety of subjects such as diverse financial regulation, living wages and environmental protection.

Consumer Federation of America defends the consumer interest in fields ranging from housing and financial services to food safety.