Child labor

Child labor

Cry Wolf Quotes

I think you cannot write a law for every extreme situation. We just have to write the best law we can that has common sense in it.

Jane Cunningham, state senator from Missouri (R )
02/23/2011 | Full Details | Law(s): Child labor

The hour restrictions are so tight. There are many jobs where you can work after 9 p.m.

Jane Cunningham, state senator from Missouri (R )
02/15/2011 | Full Details | Law(s): Child labor

It is likely enough that many of these child laborers will grow into capitalists and become "too rich," like their present oppressors.

A New York Sun editorial. Only date available: 1907.
01/01/1907 | Full Details | Law(s): Child labor

My aim is to put back some common sense. We're not doing students any favor by telling them, 'You cannot work.'

Jane Cunningham, state senator from Missouri (R )
02/15/2011 | Full Details | Law(s): Child labor