Right To Know

Right To Know

Cry Wolf Quotes

So that a bill like the Right to Know Bill is not in itself definitive; it would not drive all of these businesses away. It will bear more harshly on some than others, and may expedite their rate of closing or leaving or – and very often it’s not even a question of driving a company away, they just don’t expand here. They go and expand somewhere else.

Thacher Longstreth, president of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce

I can imagine the mounds of paperwork with little to do with providing information about hazards. We can see very little if any benefits to the worker….very marginal costs often make the difference between whether you get the business or not.

Thomas H. Wood, a chamber director and manager of Shell’s West Deptford plant.

Harassment and [a] nightmarish mountain of paperwork…would be caused by enactment of the bill in City Council.

Thacher Longstreth president of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce and former Republican city councilman

There is little doubt that business will have to think twice before expanding or locating a facility in New Jersey.

William H. Halsey, legislative representative for the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce.


Backgrounders & Briefs

Dying To Know: A Historical Analysis of the Right-To-Know Movement

This survey provides a sweeping analysis of the right-to-know movement in America.