Right To Know

Right To Know

Cry Wolf Quotes

[Requiring small businesses to report their toxic releases would] cost thousands of dollars for over 100,000 small business facilities, many of which have profits in the $10,000 range.

George Bush’s Small Business Administration feared that the cost of the right-to-know law would be prohibitive.

There is little doubt that business will have to think twice before expanding or locating a facility in New Jersey.

William H. Halsey, legislative representative for the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce.

Harassment and [a] nightmarish mountain of paperwork…would be caused by enactment of the bill in City Council.

Thacher Longstreth president of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce and former Republican city councilman

[The right-to-know law is] a sop to a small group of people that I would call ‘overreactors’ I know it’s going to cost a business a helluva lot of money.

Thacher Longstreth president of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce and former Republican city councilman.


Backgrounders & Briefs

Dying To Know: A Historical Analysis of the Right-To-Know Movement

This survey provides a sweeping analysis of the right-to-know movement in America.