Triangle Fire Quotes

In Utica no one ever bothers the factories about these things. Why are we bothered this way? No, we do not keep the names and addresses of our homeworkers. Women wanting such work come in and get it and that’s all there is about it.

The manager of a felt shoe factory
400301/01/1913 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws

Such [sanitary] certificates will give a possible opportunity for an unfair person to make demands for graft on the small baker, who is always reluctant to go into the courts to force recognition of his rights. We believe either or both of these sections would have the effect of gradually reducing rather than increasing the number of small bakeries.

J.C. Bogart, New York Flour Club (they represented over 80 percent of firms in the flour business). Only date available: 1913.
400501/01/1913 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws

[These changes in the fire code would lead to] the wiping out of industry in this state.

A spokesman for the Associated Industries of New York. Only date available: 1913.
398401/01/1913 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws

I don’t think the public is going to gain anything by forcing the small baker out of business.

Frank P. Hill, representative of the New York Retail Bakers’ Association. Only date available: 1913.
400801/01/1913 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws

This bill will make it difficult for the poor baker to continue to exist, thereby making it easier for the large baker to combine with his larger brother and increase the price of bread or lower the size of the loaf, why, that is a very strong point in opposition to this bill, because the very people you are going to aid—the poor have got to be taken into consideration.

Harold M. Phillips, of the United States Real Estate Owners Association. Only date available: 1913.
401101/01/1913 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws

I don’t believe we are under any obligation to work and force spiritual and mental improvement on the men because they work for us.

A factory owner, unnamed. Only date available: 1913.
401401/01/1913 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws

[Against the bill recommending occupancy limits depending on the number of exits provided and the [number of floors] While we are in favor of a restricted occupancy…we believe that the bill in the form proposed will work great disadvantage to our trades, requiring manufacturers almost to double their area capacity in order to employ the usual amount of people that their business demands. We respectfully submit that any such procedure would not only be of great injury to the trade, but to the state, by forcing a number of these establishments to remove their factories to other states.

From a memorandum submitted by the Needle Trades Associations to the Factory Investigating Commission. Only date available: 1913.
401701/01/1913 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws

They pay absolutely no attention to the fire hazard or to the protection of the employees in these buildings. That is their last consideration.

Retired New York City Fire Chief Edward F. Croker, 1913
415101/01/1913 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws

We would consider it a grave injustice to ourselves as well as to the bakers and the public at large if the bakers in our city were unfairly discriminated against in their struggle for existence either by conditions such as they could not reasonably hope to contend against, or by making it possible for bakers of other localities to determine their business here in their home market by more favorable terms. This, we believe, will be the effect of section 116 of the proposed law, which prohibits the establishment of future cellar bakeries.

J.C. Bogart, New York Flour Club (they represented over 80 percent of firms in the flour business). Only date available: 1913.
400401/01/1913 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws

[Those killed in factory fires are] an infinitesimal proportion of the population.

Robert Dowling, NYC real estate man, and voice of business on the Factory Investigating Committee. Only date available: 1913.
398201/01/1913 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws
