Robert C. Byrd Mine Safety and Health Act
The Robert C. Byrd mine safety act would have strengthened the ‘pattern of violations’ sanctions available to MSHA, increasing criminal penalties, and forcing operators to pay in atimely fashion. It also would have granted MSHA the ability to subpoena documents and testimony. Whistleblower protections would have been strengthened as well. Rock dusting requirments (the best way to limit the danger of coal dust explosions) would have been increased. Independent investigation of all accidents with three or more fatalities would be required as a way to ensure that MSHA's oversight had been adequate.
Cry Wolf Quotes
Obviously, I don't want to speculate, but either something went wrong from a natural/unnatural manner that was not foreseeable by us or human beings or somebody made a mistake or something.
Violations are unfortunately a normal part of the mining process.