
The Cry Wolf Quote Bank chronicles the false predictions and hyperbole by opponents of these laws and protections.  While the issues and specific policies change over time, the rhetoric and themes remained the same.  You can search the Quote Bank for what opponents said to prevent these laws from passing. Using the drop down menus on the right their statements by issue, by specific law, by who said it and by the core themes they evoke.   Elsewhere on the site, you can find articles, studies, and other material that debunks their claims. 

E.g., 2024-07-02
E.g., 2024-07-02

[The Fair Labor Standards Act] constitutes a step in the direction of communism, bolshevism, fascism, and Nazism.

The National Association of Manufacturers. 1938.
04/21/1938 | Full Details

[The Fair Labor Standards Act] will destroy small industry….[these ideas are] the product of those whose thinking is rooted in an alien philosophy and who are bent upon the destruction of our whole constitutional system and the setting up of a red-labor communistic despotism upon the ruins of our Christian civilization.

Representative Edward Cox (D-GA). 1938.
04/21/1938 | Full Details

[The Fair Labor Standards Act] would create chaos in business never yet known to us.... It sets an all-time high in crackpot legislation. Let me make it very clear that I am not opposed to the social theory.... No decent American citizen can take exception to this attitude. What I do take exception to is any approach to a solution of this problem which is utterly impractical and in operation would be much more destructive than constructive to the very purposes which it is designed to serve.

U.S. Representative Arthur Phillip Lamneck (D-OH).
11/16/1937 | Full Details

Effective January 1937, we are compelled by a Roosevelt New Deal law to make a 1 percent deduction from your wages and turn it over to the government. You might get this money back . . . but only if Congress decides to make the appropriations for this purpose.

Two weeks before the election, workers in various Detroit plants found these placards at their workplaces. October, 1936.
10/01/1936 | Full Details


Two weeks before the election, workers in various Detroit plants found these placards at their workplaces. October, 1936.
10/01/1936 | Full Details

There is every probability that the cash they pay in will be used for current deficits and new extravagances. We are going to have trouble enough to carry out an economy program without having the Treasury flush with money drawn from the workers…

Alf Landon, the 1936 Republican nominee for president.
09/26/1936 | Full Details

The actual fact will be, in almost every case, that the whole tax will be borne either by the employe [sic] or by the consumer through higher prices. That is the history of all such taxes. This is because the tax is imposed in such a way that, if the employer is to stay in business, he must shift the tax to some one else.

Alf Landon, the 1936 Republican nominee for president.
09/26/1936 | Full Details

Imagine the vast army of clerks which will be necessary to keep these records.

Alf Landon, the 1936 Republican nominee for president.
09/26/1936 | Full Details

This is the largest tax bill in history. And to call it ‘social security’ is a fraud on the workingman…. I am not exaggerating the folly of this legislation. The saving it forces on our workers is a cruel hoax.

Alf Landon, the 1936 Republican nominee for president.
09/26/1936 | Full Details

Do not forget this: such an excessive tax on payrolls is beyond question a tax on employment. In prosperous times it slows down the advance of wages and holds back re-employment. In bad times it increases unemployment, and unemployment breaks wage scales.

Alf Landon, the 1936 Republican nominee for president.
09/26/1936 | Full Details
