Quote – Bruce Cardwell, Executive Vice President, Blue Cross/Blue Shield Association, Chicago,Testimony, Senate Finance Committee.

As we devise legislation of this kind, my observation through the years has been that we tend to work at the Federal end of the chain. We will put the money in the Federal end, and it’s almost always on the assumption that the party at the very other end gets his full cost. If there ever was a circumstance under which you wanted the various parties and participants to share, this is the circumstance. I would again come back to fostering and leaving opportunities open for encouraging initiatives on the part of the insurance underwriters, providers, and communities to share in the cost of this problem. Don’t make it so easy. Don’t just give 100 percent Federal money. Somebody has got to start giving on the chain.

Statement of J. Bruce Cardwell, Executive Vice President, Blue Cross/Blue Shield Association, Chicago (pgs. 131-146). Senate Finance Committee, Hearing, “Health Insurance for the Unemployed,” 98th Congress, First Session. Bill: Health Insurance for the Un

Thursday, April 21, 1983