Quote – Leo Teplow, vice-president and lead lobbyist for American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), testimony, Senate Subcommittee hearings on Labor and Public Welfare.

Enforcement of Federal standards through Federal inspectors would result in the most intimate involvement of the Secretary of Labor in all operations affecting interstate commerce….easily result[ing] in blowing up the most minor grievances to very substantial proportions. A minor complaint can very well become a ‘federal case’. Provision of this kind of authority in the Federal government would tempt many an employee representative to boost his stock by calling on the federal government, since the very presence of a federal inspector could be used to demonstrate his importance and influence.

The vice-president and lead lobbyist for American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), Leo Teplow, speaks for the steel industry at the Senate Subcommittee hearings on Labor and Public Welfare for the hearing “Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1968”.

Wednesday, June 19, 1968