Republicans Quotes

The last thing we need is Hillarycare. The last thing we need is socialized medicine.

Mitt Romney,
285209/16/2007 | Full Details | Law(s): Universal Healthcare

[The Democrats’] vision for the future: socialized medicine and Washington-run health care.

Representative Pete Sessions (R-TX), The New York Times.

The Children's Health Insurance Program has given Democrats a wide-open door for socialized medicine. The door was left open by Republicans, who were in the majority when we passed the original legislation in 1997.

Rep. Jack Kingston [R-GA], The New York Times.

Now, what is the effect of this law? Indeed, I admit, some will have a mandated pay raise in America. Those will be the lucky ones. Many more will have their hours cut, Mr. Speaker. Many will have their benefits cut due to this law, and many will lose their jobs. And again, thousands, thousands will be denied that opportunity to climb on that first rung of the economic ladder in America and, instead, be condemned to a life of poverty. This should not happen in America.

Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), Congressional Record.
315501/10/2007 | Full Details | Law(s): Minimum Wage

San Francisco Supervisors never tire of over-regulating small businesses, and then cry over the intrusion of national chains that can financially absorb their absurd labor regulations. The Supervisors are not helping workers, they are writing a recipe for empty storefronts.

San Francisco Republican Party Chairman Mike DeNunzio.

The Controller estimates that this bad idea will cost taxpayers up to $1 million to implement, not including lost welfare recipient work hours, and an unknown amount for city workers not currently eligible for sick time. Add to that the hundreds of jobs and the millions of dollars in sales taxes that will be lost to surrounding cities when diners and shoppers go elsewhere to save money.

San Francisco Republican Party Chairman Mike DeNunzio.

Proposition F Sticks it to Neighborhood Businesses….Like kids in a candy store, our Supervisors never tire of gobbling up every bad idea that some special interest group dangles before them, particularly when it means hurting productive people who pay taxes.

San Francisco Republican Party Chairman Mike DeNunzio.

The simple fact is that if business owners cannot make a reasonable return on their investments, they will either relocate to another county or close their doors, resulting in fewer jobs and less revenue for the City coffers from business, payroll, and sales taxes to fund the social programs the Supervisors so greatly value.

San Francisco Republican Party Chairman Mike DeNunzio.

The majority of San Francisco's Supervisors have no management experience or experience running large or small businesses. They have no concept of what it takes to manage and finance a business. They obviously think that money grows on trees and profit is sinful.

San Francisco Republican Party Chairman Mike DeNunzio.

Proposition F is another job-killing attack on San Francisco's economic engine that will raise prices for all who shop in the City.

San Francisco Republican Party Chairman Mike DeNunzio.
