Republicans Quotes

The basic idea is OSHA [and by extension MSHA] has lost its purpose. Its purpose started off being the health and safety of workers, and now it's been more like a cop on the beat who gets rewarded for the number of tickets he can hand out. And it has become an anti-business operation of the federal government.

Representative Cass Ballenger (R-NC), Business Insurance.

Repeatedly attempt[ing] to impose unnecessarily stringent standards that would leave many if not most supplement companies with no practical choice but to close their doors.

Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT).

The most devastating indictment of the president’s proposal is that it threatens to destroy virtually everything about American health care that’s worth preserving. Under the plan’s layers of regulation and oversight, even seeing a doctor whenever you like will be no easy matter: access to physicians will be carefully regulated by gatekeepers; referrals to specialists will be strongly discouraged; second opinions will be almost unheard of; and the availability of new drugs will be limited.

William Kristol, The Project for a Republican Future.
284612/02/1993 | Full Details | Law(s): Clinton Healthcare Initiative

The punitive taxes included in this budget will do nothing to stimulate the economy. Deficit reduction will come from reducing spending and tightening our belts much like private citizens must do. Government must stop living beyond its means and then raising taxes to justify the additional spending. As I write this, the Senate considers the plan. I can only hope the Members of the other body who support this largest tax increase in American history know in advance that they must explain to their constituents how taking more of their hard-earned money will help stop runaway budget deficits as spending continues to increase.

James T. Walsh (R-NY), Congressional Record.

Do you know what? This is now your package. We will come back here next year and try to help you when this puts the economy in the gutter. And virtually every major economic estimating firm in this country says your bill is going to kill jobs. That is why we are passionate about it.

Rep. John Kasich (R-OH), Congressional Record.

This budget calls for new taxes on gasoline and on Social Security, and yet President Clinton as a candidate condemned such taxes. Supporters say this budget reduces spending and will begin to get a handle on the national debt, yet even the President acknowledges that under this budget Federal spending will actually increase more than 20 percent over the next 5 years. And worse, the national debt will actually grow by $1 billion a day. But most importantly, this budget is a job killer-pure and simple.

Bob Franks (R-NJ), Congressional Record

This is really the Dr. Kevorkian plan for our economy. It will kill jobs, kill businesses, and yes, kill even the higher tax revenues that these suicidal tax increasers hope to gain.

Rep. Thomas Ewing (R-IL), Congressional Record.

He is smooth and he is slick and he is a great teleprompter performer, but regardless of how convincing the President may be, this bill is still tax-and-spend, pure and simple. It will not cut the deficit. It will not create jobs. And it will not cut spending. And no matter what you say, you are not going to be able to hide the tax increases in this bill from the American people come next April 15.

Rep. Jim Bunning (R-KY), Congressional Record.

Taxes will go up. The economy will sputter along. Dreams will be put off and all this for the hollow promise of deficit reduction and magical theories of lower interest rates. Like so many of the President's past promises, deficit reduction will be another cruel hoax. Tax revenues will lag because the economy will fall. Government spending will increase at least another $300 billion a year. And the deficit will reach another record high.

Rep. Dick Armey (R-TX), Congressional Record.

I believe this will lead to a recession next year. This is the Democrat machine's recession, and each one of them will be held personally accountable.

Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-GA), GOP Press Conference.
