Global Warming

Global Warming

There is now scientific consensus that global warming is a serious and ever worsening issue that demands serious attention. Indicators include the fact that 2010 tied with 2005 as the warmest year on record and, as of late January 2011, the warm temperatures in the northern Atlantic are unprecedented in recorded history. Cap-and-trade programs have proven successful where implemented, including in the European Union and the northeastern United States. The EPA also has the authority, under the Clean Air Act, to regulate greenhouse gas emissions.


Why on Earth Do We Listen to Those Who Cry Wolf?

Why on Earth Do We Listen to Those Who Cry Wolf?

July 28, 2011

New Hampshire Governor Defends RGGI

July 07, 2011

CASE STUDY: Koch Front Groups Attack RGGI – the Northeast Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

April 13, 2011

Republicans Can't Name A Single "Job Killer" Regulation

January 25, 2011

Cry Wolf Quotes

Everybody agrees that carbon limits will force up electricity prices steadily far into the future. The disagreement is over how much the costs will go up….That is unnerving for Massachusetts, which now has the nation's highest electric power bills. However, the bigger impact could be on the cost to industries that threatens the loss of jobs.

From “Ungreening Mitt Romney”, by Robert Novak.

If we take this route, we would eventually have the tools to cut carbon emissions, instead of misguided near-term initiatives like RGGI where an attempt to meet even the modest targets will only disrupt energy markets at great cost to consumers and the economy as whole. Programs to curb other GHGs can proceed such as measures to reduce methane releases from coal mines, but it is absurd to impose any meaningful limits on carbon emissions when so much of our energy comes from coal.

From “Carbon Cap Follies” an editorial by William T. Smith, “Consultant in the field of natural resources”.

While the states signing on the dotted line will trumpet this proposal, the economic reality ... ought to be a bucket of icy cold New England water. [Now consumers will be] paying even higher prices.

Frank Maisano, a utility industry lobbyist with Bracewell & Giuliani in Washington.

In order for the [CO2] emissions reductions to be reached that are required under the Act, energy prices have to go up. Gasoline, diesel fuel, electricity… otherwise it won’t change consumer behavior.

Gregory Scott, executive vice president and general counsel at the National Petrochemical & Refiners Association. Environment and Energy News.


Backgrounders & Briefs

Economic Effect of Cap-and-Trade on Europe is "Imperceptible"

European Emissions Trading Scheme is a succesful carbon cap-and-trade system that has had an "imperceptible” negative impact on the European economy.


Blue Green Alliance is an alliance of labor and environmental organizations.

Green for All is a leading environmental oranization focused on creating green jobs for low-income communities and people of color.

Department of Energy alum Joe Romm runs Climate Progress out of the Center For American Progress.