Family and Medical Leave Backgrounders & Briefs
Sarah Fass. National Center for Children in Poverty. March 2009.
“Paid Leave in the States” gives a broad overview of the issue, providing sections on why paid family leave is good (and increasingly necessary) policy. It also provides an essential breakdown of where things stand at the level of national and state policy, along with policy recommendations.
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Jody Heymann, Alison Earle and Jeffrey Hayes. Project on Global Working Families and the Institute for Health and Social Policy. 2007.
“The Work, Family and Equity Index: How Does the United States Measure Up?” provides a damning window into our dysfunctional social safety net. “Of the 173 countries studied, 168 countries offer guaranteed leave with income to women in connection with childbirth; 98 of these countries offer 14 or more weeks paid leave…the U.S. guarantees no paid leave for mothers in any segment of the work force, leaving it in the company of only 4 other nations: Lesotho, Liberia, Papua New Guinea, and Swaziland.”
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