Clean Air Act of 1977

Clean Air Act of 1977

The 1977 Clean Air Act amendments addressed many plants originally grandfathered under the 1970 CAA by instituting New Source Review (NSR).  Any significant modifications resulting in additional emissions to existing plants would now trigger an NSR and bring the plant under CAA regulation.  Plant owners would either have to install pollution abatement equipment or abate at another facility under their ownership.  Additionally, the 1977 amendments instituted Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) rules.  Three classifications were created under the PSD rules.  Class I: very little additional pollution is allowed; Class II: moderate pollution is allowed; Class III: pollution approaching but not bypassing NAAQS is allowed.  Federal lands and national parks were automatically designated Class 1 regions.


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Clean Air Act

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The Historical Record of Job Growth and Environmental Protection: A Convenient Truth for Climate Legislation

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Crying Wolf Again: Big Business Gearing up for a Fight Against Obama’s Environmental Program

May 11, 2009

Cry Wolf Quotes

Additional money spent on secondary cleanup standards is not going to make that much difference in air quality, but it will hurt the American steel industry….In short, if it did not have to meet environmental requirements, the steel industry would have the capital to increase its annual shipments from 92 million tons in 1981 to 105 million tons in 1990….The need to meet future environmental requirements will reduce this expansion to 96 million tons.

The American Steel Institute, Washington Dateline.
07/27/1981 | Full Details | Law(s): Clean Air Act of 1977

At its worst, the Clean Air Act speaks of the potential wholesale shutdown of industrial facilities should a state not be able to attain the standards by set dates -- 1982 and 1987. At its best, the act will require the imposition of new and expensive technology and will severely limit the location of new industry in major metropolitan areas.

Angelo Sirancusa, representing coalition of major industry. The Washington Post.
01/15/1977 | Full Details | Law(s): Clean Air Act of 1977

Obviously, the Clean Air Act needs to be changed. The construction ban has no place in this country. It is an inherently unfair punishment of communities and does not clean the air.

Dr. Harvey Alter, manager of the Chamber of Commerce’s resources and environmental quality department.
07/15/1982 | Full Details | Law(s): Clean Air Act of 1977

[Regulations in the Clean air Act] could effectively ban important new large-scale construction in the future.

James Evans, Chairman of the Union Pacific Company, on behalf of U.S. Business Roundtable, Washington News.
11/22/1980 | Full Details | Law(s): Clean Air Act of 1977
