It's not my responsibility/fault

It's not my responsibility/fault

Cry Wolf Quotes

[Joining unions, not] perpetuat[ing] a principal based upon the assumption that women are wards of the state [is the best way to reduce inequality]…[But gender inequality is] deeply rooted in our civilization [and what inequality cannot be dealt with through collective bargaining can only be dealt with through] evolutionary processes.

William Cushing, legislative representative of the AFL.
04/24/1951 | Full Details | Law(s): Equal Pay Act

The chief cause [of lead poisoning among color workers] used to be the careless habits of the men, in not properly washing themselves after handling the lead materials, eating their lunches with their hands covered with the stuff…

Arthur S. Summers, a manufacturer of dry colors.
03/01/1912 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws

People always complain about back problems. I've thinned and hoed and I'm a great big man. I've thinned lettuce along with workers when I was a younger fellow and I was starting out in the farming business, and it hurts and it hurts badly for about three days. Then after that you're in shape.

Salinas Valley grower Robert Grainger, testimony at California’s Industrial Safety Board (ISB) hearing.
05/03/1973 | Full Details | Law(s): Short-Handled Hoe Ban

The human factor is the most important cause of accidents and injuries. It has been estimated that 75 to 85 percent of all such occurrences have been caused by a negligent or unsafe act on the part of an individual...This cannot be [fixed] through legislation.

National Association of Manufacturers’ (NAM) representative Raymond M. Lyons. Testimony, House Select Subcommittee on Labor.