Financial Regulation

Financial Regulation


Why #OccupyWallStreet?

October 07, 2011

History Repeats Itself on Financial Reform

July 12, 2011

The History of Consumer Protection Scares

September 09, 2009

Cry Wolf Quotes

The Sarbanes bill will hand American corporations back to the trial lawyers for summary execution.

Thomas Donohue, President of the Chamber of Commerce
08/11/2002 | Full Details | Law(s): Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Congress, the administration and the states must recognize that our weak economy simply cannot sustain all the new taxes, regulations and mandates now under consideration. It is a surefire recipe for a double-dip recession or worse.

Thomas Donohue, President of the Chamber of Commerce

Establishment of minimum margins for banks is unfair and unnecessarily restrictive in principle.

William C. Potter, chairman of the board of Guaranty Trust Co of NY, testimony to Senate Banking Committee

The national securities act of 1934, as proposed, would interfere in a vital way with the essential supply of capital to business.

George Houston, National Association of Manufacturers, Vice President

Backgrounders & Briefs

Industry Repeats Itself on Financial Reform

As the nation approaches the first anniversary of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law, opponents are claiming that the new measure is extraordinarily damaging, especially to Main Street. But industry’s alarmist rhetoric bears striking resemblance to the last time it faced sweeping new safeguards: during the New Deal reforms. The parallels between the language used both then and now are detailed in a report released today by Public Citizen and the Cry Wolf Project.


Political Economy Research Institute is a think tank focused on a variety of subjects such as diverse financial regulation, living wages and environmental protection.

Consumer Federation of America defends the consumer interest in fields ranging from housing and financial services to food safety. 

The Service Employees International Union represents workers the public sector and a variety of industries in the United States.

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition works against unfair lending and banking practices, particularly those targeted towards low and middle income families.