Too much bureaucracy

Too much bureaucracy

Cry Wolf Quotes

The Community Relations Service would be another pro-civil rights Federal agency attempting to make people do what the policy of the Federal Government demanded that they do. Moreover, in title II of the bill, this Service is made an agent of the court without due thought as to the effect on legal and judicial procedures.

John Sparkman (D-AL)
06/18/1964 | Full Details | Law(s): Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Dodd bill would push the government into the business of dictating the terms at which consumers and businesses can contract. This has nothing to do with protecting consumers and everything to do with replacing consumer preferences with bureaucrats’ choices.

“Dodd’s Job-killer”, by Mark A. Calabria

One of the principal impediments to job creation is uncertainty on the part of American companies, large and small. We've all watched as companies have sat on a lot of capital. They're uncertain about what tax policy is going to be. They're clearly uncertain about how health care costs. They're uncertain about all the regulations on capital markets.

Thomas Donohue, President of the Chamber of Commerce

The real worry is that these new rules and regulations do not create a risk factor or a timidity that is so severe that... they sit on the sidelines worrying more about rules and regulations than they do about making money.

Thomas Donohue, President of the Chamber of Commerce
09/25/2002 | Full Details | Law(s): Sarbanes-Oxley Act