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Living Wage has brought good competition to Los Angeles International Airport

L.A.'s Living Wage Ordinance Isn't a Job Killer

September 21, 2011

Cry Wolf Quotes

[Back Yard Burgers] knew about the [Arkansas soda] tax when it made the move, but it wasn't much of a concern. "It really didn't enter into it at all," King says.

Stephen J. King, Back Yard Burgers' chief financial officer
01/20/1997 | Full Details | Law(s): Arkansas Soda Tax

No jobs have left the city because of the toxic-disclosure law…. But whatever the figures for a statewide right-to-know law, it is hard conceive of them outstripping the astronomical costs—in tarnished corporate images, in legal expenses and in compensating and caring for sick employees—that await businesses without formal, accepted mechanism to warn workers about the health risks they face on the job.

“Sniping at the right-to-know”, The Philadelphia Inquirer.

That same threat was made when the child labor law was passed and not one of the manufacturers moved out.

Abram I. Elkus, counsel for the Factory Investigating Commission.
05/19/1914 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws

I can’t see what all this talk is about. How is it wrong for the State to intervene with regard to the working conditions of people who work in the factories and mills. I don’t see what they mean. What did we set up the government for?

Al Smith (D), future governor of New York and Factory vice chairman of the Factory Investigating Commission. Date not available.
01/01/1914 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws