

Cry Wolf Quotes

We feel that it is not in the public interest to require any and all information respecting the business of any bank be made a public record, and ask that the banks be required to submit information to the Federal Reserve Board only that such information be given confidential status, subject to the discretion of the Federal Reserve Board.

George V. McLaughlin, NY State bankers association

I think you cannot write a law for every extreme situation. We just have to write the best law we can that has common sense in it.

Jane Cunningham, state senator from Missouri (R )
02/23/2011 | Full Details | Law(s): Child labor

With no scientifically credible evidence to prove the need for such a low standard of 2 fibers per cc, it would be nothing less than complete social irresponsibility [to issue this standard].

Henry B. Moreno, Senior Operating Vice president for John-Manville, the largest asbestos mining company in the world.
03/16/1972 | Full Details | Law(s): OSHA's Asbestos Standard

[Those killed in factory fires are] an infinitesimal proportion of the population.

Robert Dowling, NYC real estate man, and voice of business on the Factory Investigating Committee. Only date available: 1913.
01/01/1913 | Full Details | Law(s): Triangle Factory Laws