Slippery slope

Slippery slope

Cry Wolf Quotes

Passing this bill puts us on a slippery slope to closing exemptions and mandating paid leave.

Representative Tom DeLay (R-TX).
11/13/1992 | Full Details | Law(s): Family Medical Leave Act

Reject the phony Patients' Bill of Rights….We don't have to continue down the path of socialized medical care, especially in America where free markets have provided so much for so many.

Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
08/02/2001 | Full Details | Law(s): Patient Bill of Rights

The nanny state continues, churning out one bad piece of legislation after another!....Yes, we should have compassion for people, compassion for our workforce. When my father had a heart attack in November, which went well into December, I had to take time off - but I worked around it ....Not all workplaces can do that. Those that can should look for ways to accommodate employees, if possible. This is a slippery slope we're on in New Jersey. The nanny state legislators want to give away everything, but forcing this kind of legislation on employers is the beginning of the end. It will drive employers right out of New Jersey, increasing the already alarming exodus of manufacturing and other jobs and residents in general.

Ann Richardson, blogging at the Business at Hand, The Newark Star-Ledger

I hope this is a lesson for the next Republican governor or next Republican president before they sign this kind of bill. Once Democrats control everything they are going to start raising taxes and raising benefits to pay for these screwball ideas….A tax on a job eliminates jobs; this is a tax on a job.

Republican State Senator Ray Haynes. The Tri-Valley Herald.