Price controls have never worked, rather, in countries where such controls have been imposed, patients endure waits of months or years for surgery, are denied access to specialists, and face other obstacles to care. Any health care system predicated predominantly on cost containment will contain perverse incentives that will undermine quality and the physician's duty to act in the best interest of his or her patients.
If the Coast Guard implements a regulation requiring the certificates, but if there are no insurers willing to back them, then there is the possibility that all tankers would be banned from US waters.
We just feel that it is really an unnecessary tax. There may have been some problems in Medicaid, but we point to the large amounts of fraud.
The tax took away our ability to accumulate funds to replace assets. We were strapped for cash flow.
THE FDA WANTS TO PUT YOU OUT OF BUSINESS….Every health food store is under immediate threat of siege. Congress wants to give FDA police powers so they can seize products without notification and use heavy fines and court penalties to close you down. FDA wants to destroy your supplemental business by making many items prescription only. FDA wants to make it illegal for you to sell the majority of your best selling products. DON’T LET THE FDA TAKE YOUR VITAMINS AWAY
If the regulations go into effect, the products will be taken off the market because the manufacturers won’t take the health-claim labeling off. They are the lifeblood of the industry.
If the FDA has its way, you will have to go to a doctor for prescriptions for many supplements and then pay $80 for a supplemental which presently costs $10 at a health food store.
“This plan forces us to buy our insurance through new mandatory government health alliances…” (Louise) “Run by tens of thousands of bureaucrats…” (Harry) “Having choices we don’t like is no choice at all…” (Louise) “They choose, we lose” (Together).
Although I know this will result in delays in obtaining results and will inconvenience patients, I simply cannot afford the additional costs necessary to meet all the proficiency testing and supervisory fees necessitated by this 'improvement' in health care.
It's definitely driving doctors to find other jobs. Doctors feel they aren't being allowed to practice medicine because they are so overwhelmed with administrative aspects.