Industry groups Quotes

This bill would have a negative impact on California’s economy by creating an overly rigid regulatory structure that would discourage new businesses from locating here and existing businesses from expanding, therefore, slowing the economy.

Roofing Contractors Association of California letter to Assemblyman Darrell Steinberg.

It is our belief that while AB 1127 will not guarantee the prevention of even one injury, it has the potential to cost our members hundreds of thousands of dollars in new programs based on unsound science and face potential increases in workers’ compensation costs.

Western Growers Association, Memo to Assembly Public Safety Committee.

...this is a very dangerous measure that will seriously affect virtually every employer in the state. The only outcome form this measure’s approval would be the closing of many businesses which, in-turn, would throw thousands of employees out of their jobs.

Philip M. Vermeulen on behalf of the Engineering Contractors’ Association, the California Fence Contractors Association, the Sacramento Builders’ Exchange, the Marin Builders’ Exchange and the California Chapter of the American Fence Contractors’ Association.

For the last few years, Cal/OSHA has attempted to create a partnership with employers to create safe workplaces for all employees. This partnership has been focused on working together to solve problems rather than merely serve as an enforcement driven agency. The agency’s consultation service is evidence of the efforts. AB 1127 would, with the stroke of a pen, erase years of hard work and co-operation between business and the agency by focusing on the prescription of regulations rather than the creation of workable answers to true workplace safety issues.

Terry L. Tyson, Regional Director of Safety, Hansen Aggregates, letter to Assembly Public Safety Committee.

We are disappointed that they have chosen to continue to insist there is peril in fruits and vegetables. The risks are remote and hypothetical.

John McClung, vice president for issues of United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association. The New York Times.

[Our products are] are safe when used as instructed….Generally, the people who are using our products . . . are really the expert in what the appropriate method is to handle these hypodermic needles and patients and that sort of thing.

Ronald Jasper spokesperson for Becton Dickinson needle company.

[The proposed bloodborne pathogen standards are] too expensive, a waste of resources and overkill.

The California Hospital Association, which represents 467 of the state's hospitals.

[The treaty will cause] soaring production costs and significantly higher driving costs — through rationing schemes, energy taxes or other mechanisms with comparable effect.

Andrew Card, president of the American Association of Automobile Manufacturers.
10/22/1997 | Full Details | Law(s): Kyoto Treaty

[Automakers stated that the treaty would] increase gas prices 50 cents a gallon, boost the price of electricity 20 percent and raise the cost of making cars.

327610/03/1997 | Full Details | Law(s): Kyoto Treaty

These regulations, taken in combination with other pending requirements, will have serious affects on the petroleum industry, the economy, and the nation--reducing investment in capacity and new technologies, making domestic refiners less competitive in the global marketplace, increasing imports of refined products by up to 500,000 barrels per day, increasing consumer prices for products such as gasoline and heating oil, and reducing industry employment.

American Petroleum Institute.
