Industry groups Quotes

I can tell you that as of right now, we are not looking to expand in San Francisco. It’s a labor-intensive industry, and the last thing we need is to get dinged for it.

Eric Rubin, a managing partner in the restaurant Tres Agaves, The San Francisco Chronicle.

Small businesses can and do fail because of this. There is a cost, both in dollars and in disruption. The cost in dollars is the cost of a temporary worker for which the company pays a premium, the training of a replacement worker and the overtime paid to remaining workers who help fill in for that absent employee.

Michael Yates, president of a Hampton-based human resources consulting company. The New Jersey Media Group.

How can we afford this? You can only charge so much for a hamburger, and then people will stop coming. I'm 52 and was hoping to do this until I retire, but the city is going to force me out of business.

Richard Crain, owner of the Village Grill, a San Francisco restaurant, The San Francisco Chronicle.

Any time the government is mandating something and creates an extra burden on business, it becomes another regulatory tax and raises costs.

Steve Caughran, owner of a printing shop outside Fresno, California, The New York Times.
300312/05/2006 | Full Details | Law(s): Healthy Families Act

'San Franciscans have a history of voting their social conscience as long as someone else writes the check.’… He said consumers would be hurt, predicting that restaurants would raise prices… The higher prices, he said, might cause some restaurants to lose business — and perhaps close. ‘There’s no such thing as a free lunch on something like this.’

Kevin Westlye, executive director of the Golden Gate Restaurant Association. The New York Times.

A higher minimum wage will trigger thousands of layoffs in lower-paying jobs, hurting, rather than helping, Ohioans who need higher wages the most.

“Ohio November Ballot Book” Submitted by Ohioans to Protect Personal Privacy; John C. Mahaney, Jr., Andrew Doehrel and Ty Pine.
10/30/2006 | Full Details | Law(s): Minimum Wage

A cap on carbon is a cap on growth.

California Chamber of Commerce Vice President Dominic Dimare. Greenwire.

If our manufacturers leave, whether for North Carolina or China, and they take their greenhouse gases with them, we might not have solved the problem but exacerbated it instead.

California Chamber of Commerce President Allan Zaremberg. Greenwire.

Being the only state to have absolute caps on carbon emissions puts California at a competitive disadvantage. [The legislation] will have little impact on global climate change but a severe negative impact on California's economy.

California Chamber of Commerce President Allan Zaremberg. Greenwire.

We firmly believe behavior modification and training are the keys to ensure miners know and want to do their work in a safe manner.

Bill K. Caylor, president of the Kentucky Coal Association. Op-ed, Louisville Courier-Journal.
