And the other issue is Gore, $4.6 trillion -- the single largest expansion of government in American history, from universal preschool, now, to prescriptions to health care -- it is Socialism 101.
A poorly crafted ‘living wage’ plan could achieve the opposite of its well-intentioned social goals. It could result in fewer good-paying jobs in the city, and less opportunity at the entry level. It could drive up the cost of city programs, leaving fewer resources to help lower-income families.
This initiative will kill jobs in the city. It also undoes much of the progress of the past five years in making Detroit a friendlier place for business.
The proposed living-wage ordinance, before Detroit voters Nov. 3, on the surface, seems admirable. But one doesn't need to look beyond its title to find seriously flawed logic. The same jobs that the measure's proponents are seeking to promote, in reality, will likely disappear.
The burden placed on nonprofit agencies employees will be tremendous…Homeless shelters, community development groups and social service agencies likely will need to reduce the number of their services to the most needy citizens in Detroit in order to comply with the wage hike.
…imposing this mandated wage is a dagger in the heart of job creation….If its approved, Detroit can kiss any hope of renaissance goodbye.
This proposal is just another death wish. It delivers to business a simple message: This is Detroit; it costs you more to do business here than anywhere else in Michigan. If you don't like it, leave.
Why, then, would [the Boston City Council] threaten to drive away businesses by signing on to a murky, unpredictable, and divisive ordinance that requires employers and their subcontractors to open their books, including wages, deductions, and fringe benefits, to all "applicable" city departments? The Internal Revenue Service and the state Department of Revenue are required to keep such information confidential. The city ordinance requires it to be made public, placing businesses at a competitive disadvantage.
[I am] confident that Congress will pass the Kennedy-Hatch KidCare bill, a first step toward the single-payer socialized medicine system that the NEA [National Education Association] has endorsed for years.
[The GOP] must decide soon where they stand on the issue of socialized medicine. President Clinton threw down the gauntlet in his State of the Union address, when he proposed guaranteeing health insurance for at least half of the 10 million American children who have none.