Environmental Protection

Environmental Protection


Claims of EPA "train wreck" derailed

Claims of EPA "Train Wreck" Derailed

August 26, 2011
Clean Fuels Standard

Northeast Clean Fuels Standard = Thousands of Jobs, Billions of Dollars

August 16, 2011
Why on Earth Do We Listen to Those Who Cry Wolf?

Why on Earth Do We Listen to Those Who Cry Wolf?

July 28, 2011
smokestack and dirty air

Crying Wolf Again: Big Business Gearing up for a Fight Against Obama’s Environmental Program

May 11, 2009

Cry Wolf Quotes

[The] procedures required are too costly and non-productive to industry, making New Jersey a less competitive location for manufacturing.

William A. Lynch, Chairman of the South Jersey Chamber of Commerce.

To me it is just damned incompetent to consider legislation without knowing what the cost is going to be. In business we couldn’t do this. We couldn’t have jobs if we ran our business that kind of way.

Russell Hurst, president of VIZ Manufacturing Company. President of the W.N. Stevenson Company and representative of the Northeastern Chemical Distributors Council.

[Requiring small businesses to report their toxic releases would] cost thousands of dollars for over 100,000 small business facilities, many of which have profits in the $10,000 range.

George Bush’s Small Business Administration feared that the cost of the right-to-know law would be prohibitive.

[The right-to-know law is] a sop to a small group of people that I would call ‘overreactors’ I know it’s going to cost a business a helluva lot of money.

Thacher Longstreth president of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce and former Republican city councilman.



Political Economy Research Institute is a think tank focused on a variety of subjects such as diverse financial regulation, living wages and environmental protection.

Green for All is a leading environmental oranization focused on creating green jobs for low-income communities and people of color.

The Sierra Club is America’s oldest (founded in 1892), and largest, environmental non-profit.