
"What did we set up the government for?"

May 31, 2011

Cry Wolf Quotes

This fight is as old civilization: the unending war of a free people with inalienable rights granted by God, against those tyrannical power-hungry politicians intent on the establishment of a totalitarian government.

William Pitts owner of the 80 year old Hermitage Mills, located in Camden South Carolina.

These [ergonomics] regulations would cost employers, large and small, billions of dollars annually while providing uncertain benefits.

White House budget office, under the Bush administration. Wall Street Journal.

This fight's not over… The best-intentioned employer isn't going to be able to figure out [the standards], even if he has hundreds of lawyers. It's like getting your arms around a bowl of Jell-O.

Randy Johnson, a vice president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, The Los Angeles Times.

Repealing the ergonomics regulation will save small businesses billions of dollars that means fewer layoffs, less pay-cuts and economic growth.

Rep. Henry Bonilla (R-TX), The New York Times, “House Joins Senate in Repealing Rules on Workplace Injuries”.