Occupational Safety and Health Administration Backgrounders & Briefs
AFL-CIO. April 2011.
The “2011 Death on the Job” report is one of the single most comprehensive informational collection relating to occupational safety and health in America. They’ve got everything from the fatality numbers since 1970, injury and illness rates, the number of inspections in relation to the ILO’s suggested ratios, the particularly sobering figures facing Hispanic workers, and much, much more. If you have a statistical question, they have an answer for it here.
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Office of Management and Budget. 2010.
“2010 Report to Congress on the Benefits and Costs of Federal Regulations and Unfunded Mandates on State, Local, and Tribal Entities” is a major review of all the federal government's regulations. The report chronicles the costs and benefits of all federal regulations between 1999 and 2009. The agencies found that the average annual cost of their regulations are between $43 and $55 billion, while the annual benefits are between $128 and $616 billion.
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U.S. Chemical Hazard and Safety Board. November 2006.
This important study from the looks at dust explosions, which are a danger in any industry that creates a fine, dusty byproduct (candy, cotton, grain, coal, various metals).
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