
The Cry Wolf Quote Bank chronicles the false predictions and hyperbole by opponents of these laws and protections.  While the issues and specific policies change over time, the rhetoric and themes remained the same.  You can search the Quote Bank for what opponents said to prevent these laws from passing. Using the drop down menus on the right their statements by issue, by specific law, by who said it and by the core themes they evoke.   Elsewhere on the site, you can find articles, studies, and other material that debunks their claims. 

E.g., 2024-07-03
E.g., 2024-07-03

The problem is raising the minimum wage actually hurts, not helps, low-income workers. Minimum wage laws make it illegal to have a job that pays below the government mandated limit. If that wage is more than a job provider will pay for a certain job, then no worker can get—or keep—that job.

Martin, Catherine, Mackinac Center for Public Policy.
03/01/1999 | Full Details

We are disappointed that they have chosen to continue to insist there is peril in fruits and vegetables. The risks are remote and hypothetical.

John McClung, vice president for issues of United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association. The New York Times.
02/19/1999 | Full Details

Entire industries could be wiped out or move overseas.

Gary Mendoza, Deputy Mayor for Economic Development, Los Angeles.
11/23/1998 | Full Details
Law(s): Living Wage | Themes: Bad for business

A poorly crafted ‘living wage’ plan could achieve the opposite of its well-intentioned social goals. It could result in fewer good-paying jobs in the city, and less opportunity at the entry level. It could drive up the cost of city programs, leaving fewer resources to help lower-income families.

Editorial. San Francisco Chronicle.
11/11/1998 | Full Details

This initiative will kill jobs in the city. It also undoes much of the progress of the past five years in making Detroit a friendlier place for business.

Editorial, Crain’s Detroit Business.
11/09/1998 | Full Details
Law(s): Living Wage | Themes: Job Killer

The proposed living-wage ordinance, before Detroit voters Nov. 3, on the surface, seems admirable. But one doesn't need to look beyond its title to find seriously flawed logic. The same jobs that the measure's proponents are seeking to promote, in reality, will likely disappear.

Editorial, Crain’s Detroit Business.
11/02/1998 | Full Details
Law(s): Living Wage | Themes: Job Killer

The burden placed on nonprofit agencies employees will be tremendous…Homeless shelters, community development groups and social service agencies likely will need to reduce the number of their services to the most needy citizens in Detroit in order to comply with the wage hike.

Editorial, Crain’s Detroit Business.
11/02/1998 | Full Details

…imposing this mandated wage is a dagger in the heart of job creation….If its approved, Detroit can kiss any hope of renaissance goodbye.

Editorial, Detroit News.
10/31/1998 | Full Details
Law(s): Living Wage | Themes: Job Killer

This proposal is just another death wish. It delivers to business a simple message: This is Detroit; it costs you more to do business here than anywhere else in Michigan. If you don't like it, leave.

Editorial, Crain’s Detroit Business.
10/12/1998 | Full Details
Law(s): Living Wage | Themes: Bad for business

[Our products are] are safe when used as instructed….Generally, the people who are using our products . . . are really the expert in what the appropriate method is to handle these hypodermic needles and patients and that sort of thing.

Ronald Jasper spokesperson for Becton Dickinson needle company.
04/15/1998 | Full Details
