
The Cry Wolf Quote Bank chronicles the false predictions and hyperbole by opponents of these laws and protections.  While the issues and specific policies change over time, the rhetoric and themes remained the same.  You can search the Quote Bank for what opponents said to prevent these laws from passing. Using the drop down menus on the right their statements by issue, by specific law, by who said it and by the core themes they evoke.   Elsewhere on the site, you can find articles, studies, and other material that debunks their claims. 

E.g., 2024-07-08
E.g., 2024-07-08

This health-care plan is all about the destruction of the creation of wealth in America and the socialization of this country, and it won't work -- never has anywhere else -- and we're going to go to the mat here to see to it that they don't succeed.

Rush Limbaugh.
04/04/1994 | Full Details

Citizens against Unfair Taxes, or CUT, has held protests in several Northeast Arkansas stores during the past two weeks, handing out literature that says the tax would go into the ‘black hole of government spending.’

Arkansas Democrat-Gazette from “Opposition for Lawmakers Possible, Soda-Tax Foes Say”.
02/16/1994 | Full Details

Price controls have never worked, rather, in countries where such controls have been imposed, patients endure waits of months or years for surgery, are denied access to specialists, and face other obstacles to care. Any health care system predicated predominantly on cost containment will contain perverse incentives that will undermine quality and the physician's duty to act in the best interest of his or her patients.

Lonnie R. Bristow, MD Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the American Medical Association.
02/01/1994 | Full Details

[Recycling] neither conserve[s] scarce resources nor help[s] to protect the environment.

Cato Institute
01/26/1994 | Full Details

Mandatory recycling creates waste and destroys wealth without solving any "problems." It is the equivalent of Soviet planning: the state first micromanages an economic activity and then builds an elaborate system of controls and subsidies to sustain it. Resources are wasted to generate recyclables, and then resources are wasted to encourage their use.

Cato Institute
01/26/1994 | Full Details

If the Coast Guard implements a regulation requiring the certificates, but if there are no insurers willing to back them, then there is the possibility that all tankers would be banned from US waters.

The International Association of Independent Tanker Owners (Intertanko), Greenwire.
01/05/1994 | Full Details

We just feel that it is really an unnecessary tax. There may have been some problems in Medicaid, but we point to the large amounts of fraud.

Jonathan Askins, the press secretary for Citizens Against Unfair Taxes (CAUT). Arkansas Business.
01/03/1994 | Full Details

The tax took away our ability to accumulate funds to replace assets. We were strapped for cash flow.

Tommy Lawrence, former president of Coca-Cola of Northeast Arkansas. Arkansas Business.
01/03/1994 | Full Details

THE FDA WANTS TO PUT YOU OUT OF BUSINESS….Every health food store is under immediate threat of siege. Congress wants to give FDA police powers so they can seize products without notification and use heavy fines and court penalties to close you down. FDA wants to destroy your supplemental business by making many items prescription only. FDA wants to make it illegal for you to sell the majority of your best selling products. DON’T LET THE FDA TAKE YOUR VITAMINS AWAY

The Nutritional Health Alliance (NHA).
01/01/1994 | Full Details

If the regulations go into effect, the products will be taken off the market because the manufacturers won’t take the health-claim labeling off. They are the lifeblood of the industry.

Scott Bass “a supplements industry lawyer”.
01/01/1994 | Full Details
